Registration Procedure and rules

Admissions to various classes are carried out as per the vacancies from time to time.

  • Registration Forms are to be filled in and submitted to the school office before the end of the registration period.
  • Incomplete or illegible Registration Forms, without photographs will not be processed / accepted.
  • Dates for test / interviews / interaction will be given at the time of registration. The school authorities reserve the right to change the date and time of the interview.
  • More issue of form or registration does not imply admission which is subject to Admission Test / interviews / interaction and also to the availability of seats.

Documents required at the time of admission:

  • Original School Leaving Certificate.
  • Attested photocopy of the report card of the previous class (if required).
  • 6 Passport size photographs of the Child.
  • 2 Passport size photographs of each parent.
  • 2 Passport size photograph of parent/attendant responsible for
    collecting the child.
  • Original Date of Birth Certificate with one photocopy.
  • Original Proof of Residence with one photocopy.
  • Photo ID proof of the parents.
  • Cheque / DD for fees – as per fee schedule.

Any other document informed/required by School.

Admission Procedure

Entrance Tests / Interviews / Interaction

  • There will be a written test for students seeking admission to Grade -1 upwards. Only those candidates who clear the written test will be called for an interview.
  • Results will be displayed on the Notice Board on the dates specified.

Admission Formalities:

  • Based on the assessment and other criteria, the school reserves the right to offer or refuse the admission without assigning any reason.
  • The school will be contacting parents to invite them for a short interaction. We recommend both parents to be available for this meeting.
  • Admission formalities may be completed on the same day if selected for admission. Please carry all documents that will be required for the admission process.
  • Parents are requested to carefully fill and submit the Admission Form at the time of payment of fees.

Note: Only the Registration Form should be submitted at the time of registration. Admission Form and other forms are required only after that the child is granted admission.